Thomas Stroyan

Research Interests
My research has focused on Canada's relationship with Chile and Argentina in the mid to late 20th century. I comparatively analyze how the Canadian government interacted with these two Latin American countries as well as how various Canadian, Chilean, and Argentine NGOs interacted with one another from human rights NGOs, labour unions, and religious organizations to multinational corporations. Through this research I am interested in shedding light on Canada's international relations history in Latin America as well as drawing conclusions on Canada's historical engagement with the global South as Canada's human rights legacy.
My research topics include, Canadian History; International History; Human Rights History and Human Rights Activism; Latin American History; Immigration History; and Economic History
Book Review of: Canada and China: A Fifty Year Journey, by B. Michael Frolic, published in The American Review of Canadian Studies (ARCS)
Conference Presentations
"Crossing the Andes: Canada’s Engagement with Chile and Argentina in the Trudeau and Clark Eras, 1968-1984," Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS), Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Washington DC, United States, November 16th-19th, 2023
Archival Research
Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
William Ready Archives, Hamiliton Ontario
United Church Archive, Toronto, Ontario
Archivo de la Cancillería de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Archivo Nacional de la Administración ARNAD
Archivo Histórico de Cancillería, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Archivo General de la Nacion, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Archivo Nacional de la Memoria, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Other Projects:
International Intern for Memory and History: Transforming the Narrative of the Spanish Civil War and Francoist Dictatorship at Arkansas State University
- Spanish
- English
- French (Reading and writing)